Top 10 Visual Novels I Want To Play (Updated Version)
Although I haven't been playing very many visual novels lately, that doesn't mean my interest in them has completely faded away. I'm not sure if or when I'll get around to playing them, but there are still plenty of visual novels I intend to finish and that I want to start. Back in 2018, I published a top 10 list on this blog for visual novels I was interested in playing. Six years later, more than half of that list has become obsolete due to me actually getting the chance to play them! (Admittedly, though, I have only actually finished Love and Romance - A Study of Intimacy and A Sky Full of Stars so far.) With that being said, I think it's time the list got an update. This time, I'm not going to categorize my reasons for not playing each one at this time; I'm just going to talk about why I'm interested in them. Now, before I get to the list, here are some honorable mentions! Now, onto the list! Admittedly, my...