
Showing posts from 2015

Rewrite Anime Announced!!!!

....HOLY CRAP BUCKETS. Okay, so you know how I wanted to play the Rewrite visual novel because there is no anime for it, but I can't because I can't get a working patch? Well, all of that stress can now be relieve, because REWRITE IS GETTING A MOTHER-FLIPPING ANIME!!!! This was announced at the end of the last episode of Charlotte. I haven't seen that episode yet, but since it's such a good anime, I'm certainly going to be watching it soon! You know what else I'll be watching? The Rewrite anime, because IT WAS FINALLY ANNOUNCED AFTER ALL OF THIS TIME! Now, don't get me wrong. I still would like to play the visual novel someday; it's just that now, I can just watch the anime instead of trying to figure out how to make an English patch for this visual novel to work just  to find out what all of the hype for it is about. I admit, though, I do have my concerns. I mean, since it's 8bit that's animating it, I'm afraid that it will rush int

History Behind Awcrap

After finishing Heart to Heart , I immediately began to think about another story idea I could have. Suddenly, it came to me; what if the main character of a novel secretly had a bad word in their name? I know, if his name has a bad word in it, his parents must really hate him. I know that that's probably what you're thinking, but if you could just hear me out for a second, you would know that the whole thing with the bad word name would be an accident. If you named your kid after a curse word by accident and were too tired from giving birth to realize your mistake, what would you do? That's why I have to tell you about my upcoming story, Awcrap . Awcrap  centers around a boy named Awcrap Dickinson. His mother wasn't going to name him that, but at the time that she'd given birth to him, she realized that she forgot to hire a babysitter for her daughter and Awcrap's older sister, Bea, and shouted, "AW, CRAP!" Since she was too tired from childbirth

Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race

Yeah, it's happening. I can't believe I just found this news out yesterday during an innocent trip to Facebook. You see, I've been a huge fan of the Total Drama series for a long  time. To this day, I've seen every single episode of every single season, and I enjoyed every single one (yes, even All-Stars). That's why when this spin-off was announced.... I was actually a bit apprehensive about it, because what if the spin-off isn't as good as the original series? It's happened before to several  shows! They make a spin-off, and it's not as good! On the other hand, though, I personally enjoyed The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, which is a spin-off of my favorite anime, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Thus, there's a chance that this spin-off of a certain spoof of reality shows could turn out good, and there's a chance it could turn out not as good. Thus, today, a week before the premiere of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race

A Good Day to be on Anime News Network

There's nothing like going to your grandmother's house after school while your mother is at work to get your spirits up. Do you know what else got my spirits up, though? Getting on the computer and going onto Anime News Network today. Normally, whenever I go onto ANN, there's nothing that really catches my attention. Today, though, was different. There was something that caught my attention.... four somethings, to be exact. Now, let me tell you what those four somethings are. First, we've got an announcement of the sixth season of Teekyuu. You know, that absurd "tennis" anime with all of the fast talking? Yeah, I've watched every single episode of the first four seasons (spin-off included) and am currently watching the fifth season. A majority of the opening themes of Teekyuu are very catchy (especially the latest one), but beside that, I'm not really a fan of Teekyuu; all of the fast talking makes the series feel kind of rushed. I mean, I know tha

July 2015 Anime

So the spring anime season is coming to an end, which leaves room for a new season to come out! Wait.... didn't I do this for the summer 2014 anime last year? Well, don't worry about the little details. I'm just going to get the list of anime I'm probably going to watch out while I still can. Oh, and I'm not going to count continuing anime from spring in this list. Got it? Also, any anime that I say "instant watch" or "instant won't watch" are anime that I've already decided on whether or not I'm going to watch. As I write this blog post, I will be looking over Anichart and reading what all of the other anime are about before I make my decision. Got that? Okay then, let's get started. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - May watch Aoharu x Kikanjuu - Instant watch Aquarion Logos - Instant won't watch (I haven't watched the original Aquarion) Bikini Warriors - Instant watch Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Sen'eki -  Charlotte - In

History Behind Heart to Heart

A few minutes ago, I went on FictionPress and published a story I wrote called Heart to Heart . Now, I'm going to post that same story onto my blog so more people can read it. However, I want to tell you a bit about it first. Heart to Heart  is about a girl named Corina Stanfeld. She sits next to a cute boy named Kyle Lamperouge, who she just so happens to have a crush on. Shortly before spring break of their junior year, though, Corina notices Kyle acting strangely and becomes worried. Her worrying for him escalates when, right when spring break starts, she is told that Kyle has been diagnosed with heart cancer. At the same time, she finds out that Kyle is in love with her. Knowing these two facts, Corina rushes to the hospital to see Kyle. She starts coming to the hospital every day during spring break to see him, believing that her love could care his cancer. However, Kyle suddenly wants to go on a date with Corina, and he's willing to put his life on the line for it.... N

My Top 30 Phineas and Ferb Songs

When I was younger, I was a huge  fan of Phineas and Ferb. I don't remember when and why I stopped watching the show, but I used to love it so much. That's why I was shocked when I recently discovered that the final episode will be airing on June 12, 2015. That's two days right now; as I'm typing it, there is a marathon of every single Phineas and Ferb episode airing on Disney XD. While I really should be watching it, instead, I am compiling a list of my 30 favorite Phineas and Ferb songs. Basically, it's my own personal Cliptastic Countdown. I will not be providing reasons as to why I like them (except the honorable mention). In fact, I should be putting the songs into a video with the way I'm going with this. However, I don't know how to get the videos for each song downloaded, and by the time I do learn, it may already be too late. Oh, and OF COURSE, I don't own Phineas and Ferb, nor do I own any of these songs. Well, enough chit-chat. Let

My overall thoughts on Yuri Kuma Arashi

The Fall anime season has ended, and so has 2014. With a new year comes a new season, and of course, with a new season comes new anime. I am actually quite excited for this season, as anime I've been looking forward to, Dog Days'' and Kantai Collection, will be airing this season. I'm also excited to finally catch up to the latest episode of Cross Ange, an anime I've come to love very much. This article isn't about any of those three anime, though. It is an anime that is also airing this season, one that I promised myself I wouldn't watch, but I ended up watching anyway. Yuri Kuma Arashi. In a world where bears and humans are eternally at war with each other, there live two girls named Kureha and Sumika. They are best friends as well as....lovers. Yeah, this is a yuri anime. Weirdly enough, a straight girl like me likes yuri anime most of the time, with Sakura Trick, another yuri anime, to be my favorite anime from last year, and my favorite yuri anim