Top 10 Visual Novels I Want To Play
Despite my interest in visual novels, I can't really call myself a visual novel fan. Why? Well, that's because the amount of visual novels I've actually played is quite lacking. There is no shortage of visual novels that I WANT to play, but for one reason or another, I am unable to play them. How about we talk about 10 visual novels that fall into that category, huh? Now, here's the deal. Before I explain the reason why I'm interested in a particular visual, I will mark it with either "Reason: A", "Reason: B", or "Reason: C". In case you're wondering what each of them mean.... A. There is no English translation; even if there IS one, it's only a partial patch. B. If there IS an English translation, it's adults-only. (I WILL be turning 18 next month, but that doesn't mean I have to even touch porn!) 3. If there IS an English translation and it's NOT adults-only, I simply don't have the money. Alternatively, ...