Top 10 Visual Novels I Want To Play

Despite my interest in visual novels, I can't really call myself a visual novel fan. Why? Well, that's because the amount of visual novels I've actually played is quite lacking. There is no shortage of visual novels that I WANT to play, but for one reason or another, I am unable to play them. How about we talk about 10 visual novels that fall into that category, huh?

Now, here's the deal. Before I explain the reason why I'm interested in a particular visual, I will mark it with either "Reason: A", "Reason: B", or "Reason: C". In case you're wondering what each of them mean....

A. There is no English translation; even if there IS one, it's only a partial patch.
B. If there IS an English translation, it's adults-only. (I WILL be turning 18 next month, but that doesn't mean I have to even touch porn!)
3. If there IS an English translation and it's NOT adults-only, I simply don't have the money. Alternatively, I have trouble installing the patch.
Side note: I may add "....for now" to a reason; it means that one of the reasons applies to the visual novel in question, but it's been confirmed that that will no longer be the case sometime in the future.
Another side note: I will only list visual novels that have already been released and are ORIGINALLY visual novels. (What I mean by the latter is that I won't be listing visual novels based off of an anime or a manga; however, visual novels with anime adaptations WILL be included.)

Pretty simple, right? Anyway, before we get onto the list, here are a few honorable mentions, with each of them also marked with a reason.

D.C. ~ Da Capo ~ (Reason: B)
Flowers ~ le volume sur ete ~ (Reason: A....for now)
Harumade, Kururu. (Reason: A....for now)
If My Heart Had Wings Flight Diary (Reason: A)
If My Heart Had Wings Snow Presents (Reason: A....for now)
Karumaruka Circle (Reason: A)
Seduce Me 2: The Demon War (Reason: C....for now) (EDIT 06-22-18: Have it now.)
Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (Reason: B....for now)

Now, onto the list!

10. Love and Romance - A Study of Intimacy

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Reason: B

Yes, we're starting off with a visual novel that was originally in English, but don't fret, you elitists; this is the only originally-English visual novel to make the list. (Another one is in the honorable mentions, but still!) Okay, you want to know something kind of ironic? I may have said that the sexually explicit content is why I don't want to play it, but at the same time, the sexually explicit content is the reason why I WANT to play it so much. It's not because I want to see two people having sex, you pervs; from what I heard, it handles the topic of sex in a respectful manner. Also, Michaela Laws wrote it.

EDIT 01/11/19: Okay, so I’m an idiot; apparently, the sex scenes are completely optional. Since I’m at the legal age now, screw it; I’m going in as soon as I can. (No YouTube videos, though.)

9. Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm

Image result for ao no kanata no four rhythm

Reason: A

I remember back in 2016, when I watched the anime adaptation (and eventually reviewed it); I enjoyed it a lot, but a lack of spotlight on the protagonist of the visual novel disappointed me. Seeing the art of the visual novel made me REALLY interested in playing it, and who knows? Perhaps it could be even better than the anime! It certainly has potential!

8. Wagamama High Spec

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Reason: C

I actually played quite a bit of the demo for this one before the English version came out, and boy, was it a hoot! I remember watching and reviewing the anime "adaptation" back in 2016 and seeing a lot of problems with it (for example, the fact that the protagonist status was even worse for the MC of WagaHai than it was for Masaya, with him not showing up at all), and what I ended up getting of the visual novel gave me more reasons to hate the anime at the same time as it gave me reasons to love the visual novel. Sure, the story's not anything original, but a colorful cast of characters - including a supporting cast that the anime kept hidden - made the experience a very positive one. Now, if I just had the cash, I'd be willing to play the full game!

7. Dracu-Riot!

Image result for dracu riot

Reason: B....for now

To be honest, I got a little excited when I found out that Sekai Project had licensed this VN. I mean, it means I will eventually get a chance to actually play it! With how raunchy Dracu-Riot is, I wasn't sure if an all-ages version would work, but hey, it has a manga adaptation that isn't a hentai! I just so happened to have read that manga and enjoyed it enough to wonder exactly how good the visual novel is.

6. My Girlfriend is the President

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Reason: B

Okay, an all-ages version of this visual novel is absolutely NOT possible. I mean, considering how many sexual jokes, references, and CGs I saw for it in a Let's Play I found on YouTube, I'm not sure how it can be censored and still be the same. However, that doesn't stop my curiosity from being peaked; the concept is quite good, and the execution - at least from what I saw in the Let's Play - is hilarious! Oh, well. Good thing YouTube doesn't allow porn; that way, I can sort of experience this game without experiencing the H-scenes.

5. A Sky Full Of Stars

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Reason: C

I don't know how I ended up with that gut feeling that MoeNovel was going to translate this visual novel like they did If My Heart Had Wings, my favorite visual novel, but I'm glad that my gut was right. After all, it has the same art style (both being made by Pulltop and all), and from what I know about it, both plots have something to do with the sky! As much as I'd like to play the games that are actually in the If My Heart Had Wings series, I'm more interested in a fresh yet somewhat-reminiscent experience with A Sky Full Of Stars.

EDIT 11-25-18: I have it now! (It's currently being installed onto my computer as I type this.) If OBS cooperates, I will be doing a Let's Play on this game; if not, I will write a review for it instead. Either way, you can expect me to do something with this game sometime in the future!

4. Air, Angel Beats, Kanon, Kud Wafter, Little Busters, Rewrite, and Tomoyo After

Reasons (as of now): A (Angel Beats, Kud Wafter), B (Air, Kanon), C (Little Busters, Rewrite, Tomoyo After)

Why do I have seven visual novels in the same rank, you ask? Well, try to think about what they all have in common. Did you get it? Well, in case you didn't, it's the fact that they're all developed by Key. (I didn't list Clannad, Harmonia, or Planetarian because I already played at least part of the full games for all three.) I've been a fan of Key ever since I watched the 2006 version of Kanon back in 2012 (I actually have the DVD for it now), and I'd love to experience as much of their work as I can! It might be good to keep a box of tissues handy when I do, though.

3. Inochi no Spare

Image result for inochi no spare

Reason: A

Speaking of keeping a box of tissues handy, we've got the last untranslated visual novel on the list, as well as the only kinetic novel, and trust me, my desire to play this game is as serious as Oumonbyou. Last year, I was listening to a bunch of visual novel opening themes on YouTube when I randomly came across a song called "Liblume", and listening to the song and seeing the opening theme itself in the video made me realize that if anything was going to make me cry, it was this visual novel, which I learned later was called Inochi no Spare. Combine this with some positive reviews I read, and I knew that I had to experience this visual novel....if only I had the chance to....

2. G-senjou no Maou

Image result for g-senjou no maou

Reason: C

Random fact: While Inochi no Spare was developed by Akabei Soft3, G-senjou no Maou was developed by Akabei Soft2. That's not why I'm interested in G-senjou no Maou, though; I knew about this particular visual novel before I knew about Inochi no Spare. It seems to me like an interesting detective drama with excellent artwork and a compelling cast of characters. Plus, it's a visual novel that's been praised like crazy; it can't hurt to see what all of the hype is about, can it?

1. Grisaia series

Reason: C

Ah, Grisaia.... Funny story about Grisaia. You see, I once saw a picture of a pink-haired girl in a maid costume, and as soon as I discovered that the aforementioned pink-haired maid (who turned out to be Sachi Komine) was from a visual novel called "Grisaia no Kajitsu", which had an anime adaptation that hadn't aired yet at the time, I was very interested in it. I ended up watching that anime adaptation as it aired, and although it was quite rushed, I enjoyed it. I just can't help but wonder, though, if I could just see a version of Grisaia no Kajitsu where the plot could be stretched out to the point that it needed to be? Luckily, Sekai Project translated it and the other two games in the series, Grisaia no Meikyuu and Grisaia no Rakuen, into English, but unfortunately, I just haven't gotten around to getting the money to get it. The same goes for Grisaia: Phantom Trigger, although I do have my own reasons for wanting to play that one.

That concludes my list of the top 10 visual novels I want to play. Will I ever get the chance to experience these visual novels one day? I don't know, but it can't hurt to hope that the chance will come someday!


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