3 Blog Posts I Want To Rewrite

 I wrote this on the same day that I wrote my "Changing Things Up" post, so obviously, the 10th anniversary of this stupid little blog hasn't happened yet. That being said, while I didn't really talk about myself much over the nearly ten years since I started this stupid little blog, I have written quite a few posts about my interests and such, with this being the 41st blog post I've written for it. Given that I was still pretty young when I started, though, I will admit that I've written some very stupid posts nonetheless, ones that I want to rewrite if I can. There are three in particular that I'd really like to rewrite, as a matter of fact. Let's go over those three today.

(Oh, and just so you know, I'm only going to be talking about my posts from this blog. That means nothing from my review blog or my very dead story blog. Those are their own cans of worms.)

1. My overall thoughts on Yuri Kuma Arashi


Look, I'm not good at explaining stuff. I've never been. That's my reviews are as bad as they are. Holy crap, though, is this rant on Yuri Kuma Arashi just terrible! I called it my overall thoughts on Yuri Kuma Arashi, but it was really just my thoughts on the first episode of Yuri Kuma Arashi, since that was all that was out at the time. Even then, though, I barely went into detail about why I hated it so much, opting to instead talk about things like how I dropped both the anime and the manga for Nabari no Ou! (I know that that tidbit was ultimately related to my experience with Yuri Kuma Arashi, but still!) This particular post is really embarrassing for me, especially since my opinion has softened a little bit over the years. I haven't picked it back up and am a little hesitant to do so, but that's really only because I found out about how it ended; while listening to the explanation as to why Kureha and Ginko were in a top 10 list for the best LGBTQ+ couples in anime from a YouTube video from a channel I sometimes watch, I started to feel that maybe Yuri Kuma Arashi wasn't quite as bad as I made it out to be.

If I ever get over how bad the ending is and decide to pick Yuri Kuma Arashi again, I would like to give it a fair review on my review blog. If not, I'd at least like to make a second post on this blog going into more detail about how I'd feel and telling my younger self off for being such an idiot. Either way, I'm embarrassed about my Yuri Kuma Arashi post, and I want to render it obsolete at some point.

2. My Top 30 Phineas and Ferb Songs

I used to absolutely love Phineas and Ferb as a kid, even though I kind of stopped watching it in 2012 or 2013 as I started to get more into anime around that time. Thus, when I found out that Phineas and Ferb would be ending, I wanted to do a list of my favorite Phineas and Ferb songs before it did. For some reason, though, I decided to base that list on the list of my favorite Phineas and Ferb songs that I had made as a kid instead of listening to all of the songs again to form a fresh, new opinion on them! I still haven't watched much of the later seasons of Phineas and Ferb yet (although I'd love to at some point), but it turns out that they have some bangers! I dare you to listen to the "My Cruisin' Sweet Ride" song and honestly tell me that it's not a cool song!

Anyway, even if I don't get around to watching the entirety of Phineas and Ferb, I can easily just listen to the songs and make a new top 30 list that way! Doing that would have made a better list than one based purely on nostalgia. Now, question is, should I make the new list before or after the revival comes out....?

3. Top 10 Visual Novels I Want To Play

This one, I don't want to rewrite because I'm embarrassed by it; I want to rewrite it because it's pretty obsolete. Going by the visual novels both in the honorable mentions and on the actual list, I have played at least a little bit of the following visual novels since I made the list:

  • If My Heart Had Wings Flight Diary (I even reviewed it)
  • Seduce Me 2: The Demon War
  • Love and Romance: A Study of Intimacy
  • Wagamama High Spec
  • A Sky Full of Stars
  • G-senjou no Maou
  • Grisaia no Kajitsu
Sure, that's only 7 out of the 24 visual novels I mentioned in that post, but that's still quite a bit! On top of that, 5 of them were part of the actual list (which was a top TEN list, need I remind you), meaning that half of the actual list is obsolete now! (Well, if you count the 7-way tie as one.) Plus, I've found out about a lot more visual novels over the years, and I might have a stronger desire to play some of them than some of the visual novels that are on that list and that I still haven't played! In conclusion, that list is obsolete and needs to be redone at some point.

I don't know if or when I'm going to redo any of these posts, but the fact that I want to redo them really goes to show just how much I've grown over the years. I've matured quite a bit, my thoughts and opinions have shifted a bit, and....well, I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be some third thing, but I'm not sure what it is. Ah, whatever! I guess it doesn't matter that much.


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